
Transform dozens of your newsletter subscriptions into one weekly summary digest.

Welcome to our weekly Product Launchers Club newsletter.

In the Product Launchers Club newsletter we highlight the critical need for thorough planning and analysis before diving into a mini startup venture.

Imagine launching a startup is like fielding a soccer team: it's not just about having skilled players (the product) and a passionate coach (the founder). Success hinges on a well-thought-out strategy, understanding the game (market), and rigorous preparation.

Most startups failed not because the idea wasn't good, but because they rushed into execution without this groundwork, much like a team entering the field without a game plan.

Why is careful planning so important?

Think of it like a soccer team getting ready for a big game. They need to come up with a good game plan, know what the other team is like, and practice the right way. For startups, this means making smart choices that save money and really help the business do well.

In this newsletter, we've got some key questions for you is small sections. They're here to help you see if your idea is really worth your time and money. Think of these questions as a little nudge to get you thinking. What you do next is totally up to you.

Got lots of ideas but never actually made a product? Don't worry, We are here to help.

Why you should join Product Launchers Club? It’s no brainier decision.

1. Every week, you will receive a thoroughly analyzed mini-startup idea. We select the most trending topics and provide a complete action plan for each idea, including problem identification, market analysis, competitor analysis, business model, and go-to-market strategy.

2. You decide which product ideas to bring to life. The community will vote for described ideas, and witness a new mini-startup idea come to life every month. The most popular idea will be built live with no-code during our monthly webinar.

3. Participate in a webinar with an option to acquire the product. After each webinar, you have the opportunity to purchase the newly created mini-no-code product and start monetizing it. You'll receive a fully operational product, complete with all rights, assets, and a go-to-market plan ideas.

We can support you in acquired mini no-code product

This is our special episode because we already brought this product idea to life.

It’s available on

We will provide you a retrospective walk thorough to show you how our newsletters will look like with other ideas.

Lets start with main dish!

✨ Mini Product Name

Summaletter - Transform dozens of your newsletter subscriptions into one weekly summary digest.

🤔 Problem to solve: why build it?

The inspiration came from a personal challenge. Like many others, I find myself subscribed to a plethora of newsletters and often find it hard to keep up. The fear of missing out is genuine! So, I thought, why not devise a way to condense these newsletters?

  • Concept: SummaLetter is a tool designed to consolidate numerous newsletter subscriptions into a single, comprehensive weekly summary.

  • Target Audience: Ideal for individuals overwhelmed by multiple newsletter subscriptions.

  • Purpose: To simplify the process of staying informed by reducing the volume of content to be read.

🏆 Solution: How does it work in details?

Summaletter uses AI to pick out important points from the newsletters you're subscribed to. It then creates a short, easy-to-read summary that you can receive once a week (or daily, if you wish). Freeing your time. As simple as that 🙃

  • Smart AI: SummaLetter uses smart technology to understand and pick out the key points from lots of newsletters.

  • Quick summaries: It makes these points into a short summary that's easy to understand.

  • You choose when: You can decide if you want to get these summaries every week or every day.

😊 Value proposition of Summaletter?

Summaletter makes it easier and quicker for you to know what's happening in the newsletters you like, without taking up too much of your time.

  • Saves time: You don't have to spend a lot of time reading through everything. Summaletter gives you the main points quickly.

  • Keeps Things simple: It helps you not feel overwhelmed by too much information. You get just what you need to know.

  • Easy to keep up: Makes it easier for you to follow what you're interested in without having to read every single newsletter completely.

🔍 What is the size of the opportunity?

The niche for SummaLetter combines professionals, lifelong learners, and digital minimalists looking to manage their information consumption efficiently.

As of Q3 2022, 28 million members of Linkedin subscribe to at least one newsletter. The newsletter adoption rate is skyrocketing, with 51% more users in Q3 2022 compared to Q2 2022.

LinkedIn users overwhelmingly follow individuals, not companies and organizations. Out of the top 500 most popular LinkedIn newsletters, 489 belong to individuals , and only 11 belong to companies or organizations.

How to assess the size of the opportunity?

Please consider a few factors:

1. Newsletter market growth: The newsletter market has been growing, with platforms like Substack and Revue gaining popularity. This growth suggests a rising number of newsletter subscriptions among internet users, indicating a large target audience for SummaLetter.

According to Substack co-founder Hamish McKenzie, there are “millions” of active readers on Substack.

SimilarWeb data shows that Substack generated 24.57 million visits in September 2021, up from 18 million in April 2021.

2. Subscription fatigue: With the increase in digital content subscriptions (news, entertainment, etc.), many users experience subscription fatigue. SummaLetter offers a solution by consolidating content, potentially tapping into a broad audience looking to streamline their subscriptions.

3. Professional market size: Considering specific industries (e.g., tech, finance) can help estimate the opportunity size. For example, the global financial services market reached trillions of dollars, with millions of professionals who could benefit from SummaLetter. Even a small percentage of this market can represent a significant opportunity.

4. Adoption rates of AI solutions: The growing acceptance and integration of AI in daily tools and services enhance the feasibility and potential market size for SummaLetter. As AI becomes more mainstream, solutions like SummaLetter are likely to find a receptive audience.

🎯 Execution target niche

Choosing a niche of professionals for SummaLetter is strategic decision.

Choosing a niche of professionals for SummaLetter is strategic, not only for avoiding the pitfalls of targeting too broad a market but also for ensuring the startup can deliver highly targeted, valuable, and efficient services to a specific audience. This focus facilitates better product-market fit, efficient use of resources, and a stronger competitive position in the market.

Our bet:*

Professional audience: Targeting professionals who subscribe to industry-specific newsletters. These individuals are often time-poor but need to stay informed about trends, innovations, and news in their sector. Examples include tech, finance, healthcare, and education professionals.

*In product management, bets are strategic decisions to invest resources like time, money, and effort into developing new features, products, or making changes to existing ones, with the expectation of achieving specific outcomes.


As a Product Launchers Club subscriber, You will get access to step by step analysis and all questions with answers and our comments. It will help you to re-validate it with real users in next 7 days:

  1. Market:

  • Who are your target customers and personas? 🔒

  • What is the size of the opportunity? (covered in free section)

  • What problems do they have? (covered in free section)

  • What is your competitive landscape? 🔒

  • What are motivations and benefits of this solution? (covered in free section)

  1. Product:

  • How does it work? (covered in free section)

  • What is the value? (covered in free section)

  • How do you build stickiness? 🔒

  • What are the triggers to hook the customers? 🔒

  • What is your pricing and how to earn the money? 🔒

  1. Business Strategy:

  • How to win the market? 🔒

  • What are the risks?🔒

  1. Channel:

  • Marketing ideas ready to use 🔒

  • What is your go to market plan? 🔒

  1. Execution 🔒

  • How can you build it with No-Code? (It will be added once idea will be picked to be build)

  1. Bonus#1: Seven days plan to re-validate mini-startup idea 🔒

  • Quick discovery process with details (A fast way to learn more about your business idea. This includes finding out where your future customers are, how to ask them questions about what they need and so on).

  1. Bonus#2: Exit plan (for further investors) 🔒

💰 Pricing and monetization

There are several potential revenue models that Summaletter's founder might consider based on the service's description:

  • Subscription Model: Users pay a regular fee (monthly or annually) to access the summarization service.

  • Freemium Model: Offering a basic service for free while charging for advanced features, such as more frequent summaries, customization options, or access to premium content.

  • Advertisement: Including sponsored content within the summaries or on the website, although this would need to be balanced carefully to not detract from the user experience.

  • Affiliate Marketing: Earning commissions by including affiliate links within the summaries for products or services related to the newsletter content

🕵️ Who are your target personas?

Understanding your target market and developing detailed customer personas are pivotal steps in aligning your product or service with the needs, desires, and challenges of your potential users. This section outlines our approach to identifying and synthesizing our customer personas, providing a foundation for strategic decision-making and product development.

This comprehensive approach to persona development ensures that our product strategies are deeply rooted in the actual needs and behaviors of our target market. By focusing on the human elements behind the data, we position our product not just as a tool, but as a solution that genuinely enhances the lives of our users.

Execution target niche persona: The Tech Innovator


Alex Rivera, a 30-year-old Product Manager in a fast-paced startup within the tech industry, is always on the lookout for the latest technological trends and innovations. Alex's role demands staying ahead of the curve, necessitating a constant influx of information to fuel creativity, strategic decision-making, and to keep the team informed.


  • Primary role: Innovator and trendsetter in the tech industry.

  • Jobs-to-be-done: Identify and leverage emerging technologies to develop cutting-edge products.

Opportunities (Pain Points, Needs, Desires):

  • Pains: Struggles to filter through the noise of countless tech newsletters to find relevant, actionable insights.

  • Needs: Requires a streamlined, efficient way to stay abreast of rapid technological advancements without getting bogged down by information overload.

  • Desires: Wishes to maintain a competitive edge by quickly assimilating critical industry trends and innovations.

Psychographic Profile:

  • Attitudes: Proactive, open to change, and highly value efficiency.

  • Opinions: Believes that staying informed is crucial but feels overwhelmed by the sheer volume of available information.

  • Values: Prioritizes innovation, knowledge, and practical application of information.

  • Motivations: Driven by a desire to lead in product innovation and market trends.

  • Interests: Deeply interested in emerging tech, startups, venture capital trends, and product development methodologies.

Behavioral Attributes:

  • Approach with Performing the Main Job: Active seeker of information but prefers curated, high-impact insights over volume.

  • Usage of Product: Likely to opt for daily summaries to keep pace with the fast-moving tech sector.

Demographic / Firmographic Profile:

  • Age: 30

  • Occupation: Product Manager

  • Industry: Technology, particularly startups and innovative companies.

  • Company Size: Small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) or startups.

Other hypothetical personas:

  • The Busy professional

  • The Information enthusiast

  • The Lifelong learner

  • The Industry analyst

🌐 What is your competitive landscape?

Here's a detailed analysis of its competitive landscape and inherent competitive advantages:

SummaLetter has competition from various players in the market that offer similar services. To stand out, SummaLetter could focus on its AI technology's accuracy in extracting key points and emphasize its simplicity of use. Additionally, targeting professionals in specific industries could be a strategic approach to differentiate itself from competitors and cater to the needs of time-poor individuals who require industry-specific news.

General analysis

  • Direct Competitors: Other newsletter aggregation and summarization services aiming to reduce information overload. These might include traditional RSS feed aggregators that have evolved to include AI summarization features, as well as newer startups focusing specifically on newsletter content.

  • Indirect Competitors: Email management tools and apps that offer filtering, sorting, and prioritization of emails (including newsletters) but without the AI-driven summarization feature. Additionally, platforms like Substack itself, which encourage direct engagement with individual newsletters, can be considered indirect competitors as they potentially reduce the perceived need for a summarization service.

Detailed analysis:

Competitor 1: Briefly

  • Briefly is a newsletter summarization tool that condenses long articles into short summaries.

  • It uses AI and natural language processing to extract key points from newsletters and articles.

  • Users can customize their preferences and receive daily or weekly summaries via email.

  • Briefly also offers integration with popular email clients like Gmail and Outlook.

Competitor 2: Throttle

  • Throttle is a newsletter consolidation platform that combines multiple newsletters into a single daily digest.

  • It uses machine learning algorithms to identify the most relevant content from subscribed newsletters.

  • Users can customize their preferences based on topics of interest and receive personalized digests.

  • Throttle also provides a web interface and mobile app for easy access to summarized newsletters.

Competitor 3: Kill the Newsletter!

  • Kill the Newsletter! is a service that converts newsletters into RSS feeds or plain text emails.

  • It allows users to unsubscribe from newsletters while still receiving their content in a consolidated format.

  • Users can choose the frequency of receiving the consolidated newsletters (daily, weekly, or monthly).

  • Kill the Newsletter! also provides an API for developers to integrate with other platforms.

Above list contains only examples and it should re-validated during 7 days validation process.

🧲 How you may build stickiness?

Stickiness ensures users keep coming back to the product regularly, making it a critical part of their daily routines.

Building stickiness in a product like SummaLetter, which aims to transform how users consume newsletter content, involves creating a user experience that is both indispensable and habit-forming.

Here you can check a few examples of features that may increase stickiness into SummaLetter:

  • User-controlled preferences: Allow users to fine-tune their interests and the frequency of their digest deliveries, making the service feel like it's truly theirs.

  • Regular delivery schedules: Establish a consistent schedule for digest delivery that users can expect, aligning with their daily routines (such as morning briefings or evening reviews).

  • Reminder notifications: Send gentle reminders or notifications for must-read summaries, encouraging users to open SummaLetter regularly.

  • Exclusive content: Partner with newsletter authors to provide exclusive content or early access to insights available only through SummaLetter, creating a sense of exclusivity and additional value.

What are the triggers to hook the customers?

In product management, a "hook" refers to a feature, functionality, or design element that captures users' attention and encourages continued engagement with a product. The concept of a hook is central to creating habit-forming products, as it plays a crucial role in drawing users back repeatedly. A well-designed hook can lead to increased user retention, loyalty, and ultimately, the success of a product.

To hook customers effectively, especially in the context of a digital platform like SummaLetter, it's essential to leverage psychological triggers and design principles that encourage continuous engagement and usage.

Here are several key triggers with details:

  1. Curiosity gap

  • Teasers: Provide previews or headlines that hint at compelling insights within the summaries, enticing users to open the app or email to find out more.

  1. Habit formation

  • Regular delivery schedules: Establish a consistent schedule for digest delivery that users can expect, aligning with their daily routines (such as morning briefings or evening reviews).

  • Reminder notifications: Send gentle reminders or notifications for must-read summaries, encouraging users to open SummaLetter regularly.

  1. Value-added services

  • Learning and development tracks: Offer curated paths or series on specific topics that promise growth or learning in areas of interest to the user, encouraging regular engagement to follow through on these tracks.

  1. Variable rewards

  • Surprise elements: Occasionally include unexpected bonuses, like exclusive interviews or bonus summaries, to delight users and keep them coming back.

Above list contains only examples. There are more triggers available to hook the customers of Summalletter.

🚀 How SummaLetter can win the market?

In this newsletter, we've already talked about different parts of the Business Model Canvas. So, we won't go over everything again because that would be repeating ourselves. Instead, we're going to focus on how SummaLetter can really stand out in the market and what challenges it might face. This way, we can give you clear and useful tips without covering the same ground twice.

Top 3

  1. Unique Value Proposition (UVP): SummaLetter could highlight a case study where a user managed to reduce their newsletter reading time by eg. 70% thanks to its AI-driven summaries, showcasing the tangible benefits of its UVP.

  2. Strategic partnerships: Partner with a popular industry-specific newsletter, offering SummaLetter users exclusive early access to summaries of upcoming editions, enhancing the content library with sought-after insights.

  3. Community building: Host monthly webinars featuring thought leaders in productivity and content curation, creating a platform for community engagement and establishing SummaLetter as a thought leader in the space.

⚠️ Risks / How SummaLetter Can Lose the Market?

Addressing risks requires Summaletter to maintain a proactive, agile approach to market trends, user feedback, and technological advancements. Staying ahead of the curve in content curation, user experience, and data privacy will be key to mitigating these specific risks and securing a competitive edge in the market.

Top 3

  1. Vulnerability to replication by competitors: The core technology of SummaLetter, while innovative, may not be impervious to replication, especially as AI technologies become more accessible and widespread. If SummaLetter does not continuously innovate and improve its offering, there's a real risk that competitors could develop similar or even superior AI-driven solutions. This scenario could unfold if a competitor analyzes the public feedback and user reviews on platforms like Product Hunt or social media, identifying what users love about SummaLetter and where they wish it could do better.

  2. Compromised quality of summaries due to ignored feedback: Imagine a scenario where a significant portion of SummaLetter's user base, let's say 40%, voices concerns through surveys and feedback channels that the summaries provided by the AI algorithm frequently miss crucial points or fail to capture the essence of the original newsletters. This feedback is invaluable for guiding improvements and ensuring user satisfaction. However, if SummaLetter chooses not to act on this feedback, the quality of the summaries remains poor. This inaction can lead to widespread user dissatisfaction, as the core value proposition of SummaLetter—providing concise, accurate summaries—is undermined. As a result, users may begin to question the utility of SummaLetter, leading to increased churn rates as they seek alternative solutions that better meet their needs for comprehensive and reliable content summarization.

  3. Failure to adapt to content consumption trends: As audio content and podcasts gain popularity, SummaLetter's focus on text summaries alone could render it obsolete. If a competitor introduces audio summaries that users can listen to on-the-go, SummaLetter might lose its appeal to a significant portion of its user base seeking multitasking options.

💡 Marketing ideas ready to use

If you're about to launch something new, want to reach more people, or just make stronger connections with your current audience, you're in the right place. Here, you'll find lots of useful marketing advice and ideas to try out.

Here you can read examples of marketing ideas to start with Summaletter promotional activities:

📝 Blog posts

  • Focus on problem-solution posts: Develop a series of blog posts that not only discuss the challenges of information overload but also illustrate how SummaLetter uniquely addresses these issues. Incorporate case studies, user stories, and data-driven results to showcase the effectiveness of SummaLetter.

📨 Collaborate with newsletter publishers

  • Exclusive content offers: Partner with well-known newsletter authors to create special editions or exclusive content only available to SummaLetter subscribers. This could include expert interviews, industry insights, or early access to new publications.

📱Regular posts on social media

  • Social media ads: Implementing targeted advertising campaigns on social media to capture the attention of potential users, leveraging sophisticated ad targeting to reach those most likely to benefit from SummaLetter.

🤝 Affiliate program

  • Referrals: Implement a structured affiliate program that rewards influencers and existing users for referring new customers. Offer competitive commissions or exclusive benefits for top performers.

💬 Influencer reviews

  • Partnerships with influencers: Collaborate with influencers across various platforms (YouTube, Instagram, Twitter) to review SummaLetter. Target those with a strong following in tech, productivity, and professional development niches.

🌐 Engagement in tech forums and communities

  • Value-added discussions: Engage in tech forums and communities like Reddit, Product Hunt, and Hacker News by contributing valuable insights, answering questions related to newsletter management, and sharing how SummaLetter can be a part of the solution.

  • Community Q&A sessions: Host AMA (Ask Me Anything) sessions on these platforms to discuss SummaLetter, its development, and its benefits, directly engaging with a tech-savvy audience.

📅 What is your go to market plan?

Creating a go-to-market (GTM) strategy for SummaLetter involves a detailed plan from preparation to post-launch activities.

Phase 1: Pre-launch

The pre-launch phase is crucial for setting a strong foundation for market entry. It contains a various set of activities.

  • Identifying problems and solutions: Conduct surveys and interviews with potential users to identify specific pain points related to newsletter overload. For example, use tools like SurveyMonkey or Google Forms to gather data on how professionals struggle with managing their inbox due to too many subscriptions.

  • Monetization strategy: Explore a tiered subscription model where the basic tier offers weekly summaries for free, and premium tiers offer daily summaries, customization options, and ad-free experiences. Use platforms like Patreon or Memberful to gauge interest in various tiers before launch.

  • Market preparation example: Create a teaser video explaining SummaLetter's concept and benefits, and share it on social media platforms and via email marketing. Use tools like Canva for design and Mailchimp for email campaigns to build your early subscriber list.

Phase 2: Soft launch

A soft launch allows SummaLetter to be introduced gradually to a select audience. It contains a various set of activities.

  • End-2-end testing: Partner with a small tech company to use SummaLetter in their daily operations, providing valuable insights into the user experience and system performance. Tools like JIRA for tracking feedback and Trello for project management can organize this process.

  • Product and market testing: Release SummaLetter to a select audience via Product Hunt's Ship program, which allows for gathering early adopters' feedback while limiting exposure to a broader market. This provides a controlled environment for testing.

  • Build initial brand awareness: Collaborate with a well-known productivity blogger to review SummaLetter during the soft launch phase. This partnership could include exclusive access for their readers, creating buzz and credibility among potential users.

Phase 3: Big bang

Following a successful soft launch, the "big bang" phase involves a full-scale, aggressive market entry. It contains a various set of activities.

  • Scale: Coordinate a launch event with a live demo of SummaLetter on platforms like YouTube or Twitch to reach a wide audience. Partner with tech influencers who can amplify the message to their followers.

  • Resource allocation: Set aside a budget for sponsored posts on major tech and productivity websites like TechCrunch and Lifehacker, ensuring SummaLetter's visibility among tech enthusiasts and professionals looking for productivity solutions.

  • Risk management: Prepare a FAQ section addressing potential concerns and how SummaLetter differentiates from competitors. Use social listening tools like Brand24 to monitor real-time reactions and address any issues promptly.

Phase 4: Post-launch

The post-launch phase focuses on sustaining momentum and growth. It contains a various set of activities.

  • Feedback analysis and optimization: Create a feedback loop with users via regular surveys and an in-app feedback tool like Uservoice. This direct line of communication allows for quick identification of features that users love or areas needing enhancement.

  • Competition response: Keep an eye on new entrants and existing competitors by setting up Google Alerts for similar products. Regularly review and adjust your value proposition to ensure SummaLetter remains competitive.

  • Further actions planning: Based on post-launch feedback, plan a roadmap for new features such as integration with popular email clients or AI-driven personalization options. Share this roadmap in the community newsletter to keep users engaged and excited about what’s coming next.

🛠️ Execution

🎨 Branding and Identity: The first step was to give my project an identity. I decided on the name 'SummaLetter' (with a little help of AI) and used to craft a logo that embodied simplicity and effectiveness. This was a crucial step in setting the tone and visual representation of the project.

🌐 The Web App Development with Bubble: It's a platform I use daily, and it's become a staple in my development toolkit. Bubble's straightforward approach to complex tasks suits my workflow perfectly, especially when it comes to building user-friendly applications with a lots of integrations.

For SummaLetter, the objective was clear: create an app that’s easy to navigate and robust in performance. Bubble's strengths in built in user authentication and API connectivity were particularly useful here. I appreciate how Bubble simplifies these aspects, allowing me to focus on the overall user experience without getting lost in technical details.

✉️ Email Integration: Integrating an efficient email system was crucial. I chose MailerSend for its easines in API intergration and handling transactional emails. So it wasn't long before SummaLetter was sending out its first batch of summarized newsletters.

💳 Implementing the Monetization Strategy: When it came to the monetization aspect of SummaLetter, Lemon Squeezy made the process straightforward and efficient. As a merchant of record, Lemon Squeezy not only provides a platform to set up a subscription model but also tooks on the responsibilities associated with financial transactions, tax compliance, and more. So it's a perfect fit for indie hackers who'd like to sell worldwide!

You can now watch the video, where I describe the building process step by step.

📋 Bonus #1: Seven days plan to re-validate mini-startup idea

Throughout this process, maintain a flexible approach, allowing for adjustments based on what you learn from your users. The goal is to ensure that SummaLetter effectively meets the needs of its target audience, providing a valuable solution to the problem of newsletter overload.

7 days plan

To refine the SummaLetter MVP and ensure it effectively meets user needs, a detailed plan focusing on where to find potential interviewees, what questions to ask, and how to analyze and act on the feedback is essential. This plan will guide you through the process of gathering deep insights and iterating your product accordingly. It’s mostly a generic plan but we will adjust to the idea described in newsletter.

📢 Specific interview questions

Conducting effective discovery interviews can significantly influence the direction of your product, ensuring it is both relevant and valuable to your intended audience.

Below you can check a few examples of discovery interview questions for SummaLetter:

  1. Understanding newsletter habits:

  • How do you currently keep up with your newsletter subscriptions?

  • What challenges do you face in managing or reading newsletters?

  1. Problem validation:

  • Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the number of newsletters you receive? Can you tell me about a specific instance?

  • How important is it for you to stay updated with the content of these newsletters?

  1. Solution exploration:

  • How do you feel about a tool that summarizes the key points from multiple newsletters into one digest?

  • What features would you expect from such a tool to consider it useful?

  1. Behavioral insights:

  • Can you walk me through your routine of reading newsletters? When and where do you usually read them?

  • Have you tried any solutions or tools to manage your newsletters better? What did you like or dislike about them?

  1. Desired outcomes:

  • What would success look like for you with a tool like SummaLetter? What specific outcomes would make it valuable?

  • Are there any specific newsletters or types of content you find more valuable or challenging to keep up with?

🛒 Bonus #2: Exit plans

An exit plan for SummaLetter should consider various pathways to realize the value of the business, reward the stakeholders for their investment and effort, and potentially set the stage for the next chapter in their professional lives or the evolution of SummaLetter.

Each of these exit strategies offers different advantages and considerations, depending on the goals of SummaLetter's owners, the company's market position, and the broader industry landscape. The key to a successful exit will be careful planning, timely market analysis, and strategic positioning to attract the right opportunities.

Exit scenarios

That's all for today. Thank you for reading today's edition.

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